Yesterday was brutally hot. It didn’t matter that we started walking at 5:30 am. By 10:30 it was stifling. By 11:30 it was unbearable. This morning we were up at 3:00 am and on the road by 3:36. But guess what. It was still 84 degrees out! We walked in the dark and the heat and it wasn’t awful. It was actually an improvement.
We talked about how we were missing the scenery by walking in the dark but it also had its advantages. For example, you know you are walking uphill but you don’t have to look at the hill stretching out on and on in front of you which can be daunting. We also had the road to ourselves and as the morning wore on it actually got cooler. We walked until 11:00 am and checked into a hotel before it got too hot. Of course, now it’s 1:40 pm and I’m exhausted.
In 7 and 1/2 hours walking, we only took 3 breaks. At around 8:30 we stopped to buy some water and the woman who ran the store brought us slices of watermelon right out of the icebox. It was delicious!

About Micae Martinet

2 Responses to “We Are Onto Something”

  1. Paulette

    Enjoy reading your posts of your amazing journey on foot!

    • Micae Martinet

      Thanks Paulette! I’m finding that ASL comes in handy here. We have a phone app called Google translate. We type English and it translates to Mandarin characters. Grammatically, Mandarin and ASL are similar so I think in ASL, type GLOSS and I’m usually understood. They hAve interpreyers on some of their news broadcasts too.

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