This Guy!

rps20150704_134437Late this morning we ran into this guy. As usual, Doug was walking about 50 yards ahead of me and had stopped and was waiting for me to catch up. This man got out of his car and asked Doug, “Can I help you?” Doug explained that he didn’t need help, that he was waiting for me and that we were walking from Dali to Hong Kong.
I eventually caught up to Doug and the man asked me, “Can I help you?”. “No thanks”, I answered and we gave him one of our cards and we took a photo of the three of us together.
Doug and I continued walking and the guy drove off in the opposite direction. About ten minutes later the guy pulled up in his car beside Doug and tried to give him 200 kuai. Doug of course refused. But, just to let you know, 200 kuai would have paid for our hotel room for the next 3 and 1/2 nights. It’s this kind of generosity and spirit that fuels our spirits.

Less than 350 miles separates us from Hong Kong. We are both anxious to get there but I will truly miss this experience that we have been having.

At times, one can’t help but be disappointed in people’s behavior. I’m aware of what’s been happening back home. People being shot in churches, churches being burned down, all kinds of ugliness and brutality. But I will tell you this. The way we have been received here has been like turpentine on everything that those few people have painted black. Humanity prevails.

About Micae Martinet

4 Responses to “This Guy!”

  1. siliusha

    HELLO!cheer up!Doug and Micae!
    I am “this GUY”

    • Micae Martinet

      Hello “This Guy”!!!! Thank you so much for your kind and very generous offer today. You made us very happy

  2. Thomas A Martinet

    I am glad that you are being so well received in China. I am afraid that I differ from you two in that I would have accepted “this guy’s” offer. These people that you meet want to be a part of what you are accomplishing and this is their way of showing that they appreciate what you are doing. I know that accepting “charity” is difficult, but this is part and parcel to this trip! If you get more than you need, you can always find someone at the end of the trip to “help” with your charity. Let these folks be involved. It really does add to the wonderful color of this “globe trotting”

  3. Kieron

    How fantastic!!!
    Big up to Big man Siliusha… You are a cool dude!

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