In the last 6 weeks we’ve seen the Apple logo on a toilet, a motor scooter, chairs. This was a new one for us. Maybe we’ve just been gone too long. Isn’t is supposed to be “Dole”?
This other photo is just a shot of an impressive amount of ducks. When they cook and serve duck here, the head is served detached and in the bowl. They at least shut it’s eyes so it doesn’t look at you.

About Micae Martinet

One Response to “Ducks And Trademarks”

  1. Thomas A Martinet

    About the ducks, really I don’t want to see the heads at all. We have a number of ducks & families that come onto the property & feed everyday. It is really fun to watch them. Since I feed them, they have become quite used to me and now don’t leave when I come around. We also have a number of female turtles that have laid eggs on the property. Now the wait until the babies hatch and find their way back into the lake, hopefully around August. And no “Bole” labels on any of them!

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