About Micae Martinet

2 Responses to “Communication”

  1. dave huntley

    speaking of communication. here’s some questions from your friendly logistics and gadget guy. are you charging via solar hats or anything cool like that? what phone / internet devices do you have with you? do you do a little jig if there is decent wifi that you can use? a little sad face when there is no or slow wifi? i see the GPS strapped to doug’s shoulder strap. is that your safety net? are you using paper maps? do you have a clue what the road signs say? is that enough questions? i’ll think of more. KEEP GOING and KEEP BLOGGING.
    xoxo — dH

    • Micae Martinet

      We got chIna mobile sim cards for our phones, Internet connectivity has been good. Sometimes we get free WiFi. We buy crappy Chinese batteries for our GPS devices. Doug downloaded Baidu maps for SW chIna and we have a paper map.

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