Fine Dining

rps20150527_194042First he ate the scorpions. Next he ate the chicken feet. It’s almost no fun at all because it seems there’s nothing the man won’t eat. rps20150527_202755rps20150527_202841rps20150527_194012

About Micae Martinet

9 Responses to “Fine Dining”

    • Micae Martinet

      Doug said they were spicy and we watched the guy grill them. I’m not sure how they were prepped before hand tho. But being that our grill at home is adjacent to our chicken coop it would just be cruel to make them at home 😉

  1. Krista

    Eew! I sit here on a lovely morning watching my chickens peck and scratch thinking of Doug eating their feet!!!!
    How are the blisters healing?
    You can make history Micae!!

    • Micae Martinet

      My blisters have healed a bit. My right foot is still sore but we are ready to get moving again. Temps in the 90s today so we want to get an early start. We packed last night so all we have to do now is get dressea and put on our packs!

    • Micae Martinet

      Paul, if I find really old eggs anywhere I’ll ask Doug to give em a try. Of course, I want him well enough to wall with me so maybe not….

    • Micae Martinet

      Doug said they were tasty and that he’d eat them again. The chicken feet however were a lot of work.

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